
Eat Potato in this Way | Chinese Food Easy Recipes

▪ Ingredients  




2 pcs

soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil

a few

Garlic, small rice pepper

a few

White sugar, cooking oil

a few


▪ Detailed steps  

Peeled, washed and shredded potatoes

Soak shredded potatoes in cool water for 3 minutes to remove some of the starch

Soak the shredded potatoes in boiling water for 1 minute and then fish out

Submerge in cool water for a few minutes, remove and drain

Put soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, pepper and garlic in a bowl

Heat the oil in a pan and pour the hot oil into a mixing bowl

Shredded potatoes into a bowl and stir into the taste, the dish is complete


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