
Pork loves Mushroom | Chinese Food Easy Recipes

▪ Ingredients  



Pork meat

500 g

Golden Needle Mushroom

500 g

Starch, flour, salt

a few

Oyster sauce, cooking wine

a few

Small onion

a few

cooking oil

a few


▪ Detailed steps  

Add starch, salt and oyster sauce to the water, stir well to mix the sauce and set aside

Pork chopped into minced meat

Marinate in oil, salt, flour, cooking wine and oyster sauce for 10 minutes

Blanch enoki mushrooms, cook and drain

Stir-fry minced meat in a frying pan

Add enoki mushrooms, pour in the sauce, stir-fry and reduce the sauce

Sprinkle with green onion and stir-fry evenly, ready to pan


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