
How to make pork with green pepper | Chinese Food Easy Recipes

▪ Ingredients  



Lean meat

200 g

Green Pepper

150 g

Ginger, garlic

a few

Starch, salt

a few

Soy sauce, oyster sauce,

a few

Cooking oil

a few


▪ Detailed steps  

Cut lean meat into strips, marinate in cornstarch and soy sauce, and set aside

Stir-fry green peppers in a frying pan until they are five minutes cooked, set aside

minced garlic and ginger into the frying pan and burst into flames

Pour in the marinated lean meat and stir-fry until medium-rare

Pour in the green pepper, stir-fry evenly

Add salt, oyster sauce and stir-fry to taste, the dish is complete

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